
I am artist Tim french. I live in the North East of England, Chester le street, County Durham. I was born in Zimbabwe and emigrated and spent much of my early life in South Africa until I was 12. I moved to England when I was 12 and that really was when my journey with Drawing started.

Currently I have the privledge of teaching A-level Art and Photography in the town I live in.

Theres nothing more to say about making Art for now other than I love it, because it is not a thing it is just part of who I am. I see the word Art as having origins in ‘Thou Art which means ‘to be’ Art doesn’t come before being. It cannot make itself.

If I am able to explore capture and create as a result of being and sensing the beautiful and exceptional that was made for me to encounter and I get to share that. Then fantastic.

I am building this site over time. I have been making work and developing ideas for sometime and I am thrilled to be populating this site with them.

I hope you enjoy looking at them and drinking them in.